First up after the cringetastic dance intro is Ghost Recon Wildlands!
This is a pre-rendered trailer. We open on a skydiver flying across a picturesque locale and transition to the narco state environment in which Wildlands will take place while the main villain delivers his own rendition of Pablo Escobar's Plata o Plomo speech. We then get a sizzle reel of what's happening in Wildlands and the way we'll be combating the menace of the cocaine trade in Wildlands. In Wildlands you'll play as the Ghosts, sent in to disrupt the alliance between the local government and the Cartel, Santa Blanca. Wildlands will be a fully open world military shooter playable in single player or co-op in the largest open world Ubisoft has ever done.
We then move to a gameplay demo that doesn't even pretend to be live where the Ghosts are after "The Stewmaker" a cartel cleaner with intel on the organization. Gameplay is over the shoulder with the ability to quick snap to first person iron-sight aiming. Graphically it is not especially impressive with some flickering textures and low fidelity but the open world is quite large and picturesque.
Once the two players leave the initial area they link up with two more players for 4-player co-op. The game seems to be hewing closer to Far Cry or even Metal Gear Solid V with its approach to strongholds and enemy bases, allowing a stealth approach to be very viable. The camp infiltration turns into a chase when the target is spooked and the 4 players coordinate to take out the fleeing target with some very set-piece feeling moments that seem unlikely to occur in organic co-op. The fluidity of changing mechanics and sheer number of tools in the players arsenal is impressive however as once the target is run off the road, all 4 players converge on the helicopter for the extraction.
Wildlands looks like it will impress players looking for a military shooter with some Far-Cry stealth leanings in its approach to gameplay. Ghost Recon Wildlands will be released March 7th, 2017
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