Eagle Flight was one of the first VR games that Ubisoft revealed that they were working on, and today during Ubisoft's E3 press conference, the dev team finally got to show it off. Eagle Flight is a virtual reality, competitive multiplayer game, and the latest demo for the game helped show off the game's capture the flag mode.
The demo starts off with an overhead view of Paris, however it seems that nature has retaken the city. Each team of three players start at opposing sides, and the goal is to pick up a stationary rabbit and bring it back to your base, just like capture the flag but with a rabbit instead. When a player picks up the rabbit, the opposing team can shoot something out in front of them that knocks the rabbit off of the previous carrier, so long as the opposing team's player lines up the shot accordingly. Once the rabbit is knocked into the air, it remains stationary there until somebody comes to pick it up and claim it as their own. The match continues on like this until one team has secured the rabbit and bought it back to their base two times. Then the match is over.
Besides that, little else about the gameplay of the game was revealed. They did show off some interesting features such as how wind gusts provide speed boosts, however. Still, it is still unknown what other game modes will be included with the game, or whether there will be any other game modes at all.
Eagle Flight will be available on all VR devices including the Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, and PlayStation VR. The game will be available at launch for the PlayStation VR, and will come to the Rift and Vive sometime this fall. There is still no set release date for the game, only a release window of 2016.
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