Next year we can all expect an Assassin's Creed movie to be hitting the theaters. Last week Ubisoft revealed what Michael Fassbender will look like in his Assassin's gear, which you can see featured above. A few ago, Azaïzia Aymar, the man in charge of Assassin's Creed's content, took to Twitter to answer some questions regarding the film.
The first big piece of news is that the Assassin's Creed movie will try to separate itself from other movies based on games in that it will try not be jam packed with references just for fans of the series. Rather, it will focus on the story to make a great film set in the Assassin's Creed universe.
The second big piece of news is that the Assassin's Creed movie will take place during the Spanish Inquisition in the 15th century. More than that though, we know that Michael Fassbender will be playing both his ancestor during the Spanish Inquisition, Aguilar, and his modern day character, Callum, so we will be seeing the standard two time periods we are used to with Assassin's Creed.
Present day will definitely play a part and we will see Abstergo. As for seeing any characters from the games, the answer there is vague but hints that it is at least a possibility. Though, this tweet, does suggest that familiar faces will be in the movie in some fashion, though it does not seem any will play a large role.
Some more cast information aside from Michael Fassbender was revealed as well. Marion Cotillard (The Dark Knight Rises, Inception), Michaek K Williams (The Wire, Boardwalk Empire), and Ariane Labed (Before Midnight) have been cast with a promise of the full cast reveal coming soon. They also said Justin Kerzel, director of the upcoming Macbeth also starring Fassbender, will be directing the movie. As you can see above, the film, while being its own story and setting, will have consequences in the overall Assassin's Creed Universe. To what extent, we don't know, but one can assume that will have something to do with the present day and Abstergo. Though, the games' featuring Ezio also took place in the 15th century ...
All in all, there are a few more tweets that you can search through the Assassin's Creed Twitter for more, though most of what has been left out is just a repeat of what was revealed above. The Assassin's Creed movie is due out December 21, 2016.
What do you think of the details revealed for the Assassin's Creed movie? Do you have hope it could be good or will it be another in a long line of bad video game adaptations?