two point hospital superbug intiative

Two Point Hospital Superbug Initiative Has Players Teaming Up for Science

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Published: April 17, 2019 11:28 PM

The Two Point Hospital Superbug Initiative is a brand-new feature that will have players working together cooperatively to accomplish tasks for in-game rewards. This feature isn't quite ready for prime time, but interested players can hop into a beta test and check it out for themselves.

Have a look at the Two Point Hospital Superbug Initiative trailer to get an idea of how it all works:

The Superbug Initiative will see players accomplishing tasks listed in a menu. These tasks require you to complete certain in-game actions. Each player can contribute to the overall mission as long as they're a part of the Superbug Network.

If the team of players complete enough tasks along the tree, they'll be able to unlock a brand-new in-game item. Only a single reward has been specified so far: the Ectovat, a container that collects ectoplasm from the ghosts that haunt your hospital. This ectoplasm can then be used to pep up your workers or heal the patients in your hospital.

two point hospital superbug intiative superbug network

Getting into the Two Point Hospital Superbug Initiative beta is a simple enough task as noted in the Steam Community news post about this new feature:

  1. Right click on Two Point Hospital in your Steam library.
  2. Click on properties.
  3. Click on the BETAS tab.
  4. Select twopointhospital_patch_beta from the drop-down list.
Aside from the Superbug Initiative, players are now able to add custom music to the game. Simply go into "Audio" in the Settings menu and click on "Edit" in the Music List to add your own custom tracks.

You can check out the Superbug Initiative for yourself right now. No release date has been set for the feature as of yet. You can learn more about the game by reading our review and by checking out our guide to research. If you don't yet own the game, you can get it on Steam for $34.99 or your regional equivalent.

What do you think of the Two Point Hospital Superbug Initiative? Let us know in the comments below!

A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
| Senior Writer

One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Two Point Hospital
Game Page Two Point Hospital
Two Point Studios
Release Date
August 30, 2018 (Calendar)
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