
Try Ten Games for Free on Steam This Weekend

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Published: October 16, 2014 4:17 PM

While Steam has given the occasional free trial for one game or another in the past, this is the first time they've had one with a selection of this size and diversity. There's a game here for practically every type of gamer. The games are also discounted for those who wish to continue playing them after Sunday afternoon comes along.

You can rob banks in Payday 2, fight for Mother Russia in Company of Heroes 2, and clash against larger than life superheroes in Injustice: Gods Among Us. Find yourself defending against the global alien invasion in XCOM: Enemy Unknown, battle online in the 2D arena in Awesomenauts, survive in the creepy wilderness in Don't Starve, and hack n' slash your foes to bits in Blade Symphony. Race your way to the top of the motorsport world in GRID 2, brutally slaughter zombies in Killing Floor, and dash through the wondrous levels of Trine 2: the Complete Story.

With the recent announcement that the original Payday will be given away for 24 hours, it looks like Steam is really gearing up for this year's Autumn sale. This is a great way for members of the Steam community to find out whether they're going to like these games before dropping the cash.

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Been playing games for over half my life. I like to think that I have a wide variety of tastes in genres, while still being mindful of quality.