gabe newell

Tracking DLC on Steam just got easier

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Published: February 6, 2015 5:40 PM

The latest update for the Steam beta has added a new feature that makes tracking DLC easier.

The update:

  • Changed tools to not appear in the Recent games filters/lists unless they are actually played, purchasing will still cause games to list but will not automatically add tools
  • Moved new DLC details panel as well as the workshop details panel below the Friends and Achievements panels in the game details UI
  • Fixed the new DLC details panel updating and resorting more frequently than it should
  • Made it possible to manage DLC installation directly from the DLC panel in the library details view
  • Fixed checkboxes in list panels flickering or not rendering immediately after mouse wheel scroll of the list
  • Improved responsiveness of library details view for games where you have many friends who play
  • Cleaned up redundant browser settings in Settings UI
There is still work to be done as it is still in beta, however, the feature itself makes finding out what DLC you have much easier than the previous method of scrolling through all the DLC from the properties menu or at the store page. Many of the more DLC heavy titles that gamers play will benefit from this feature. Other titles who are less DLC ridden, however, will have to deal with a lack of resizing and a lot of empty space. This is still a good start though in order to get Steam's interface organized in the face of how its competitors. One of its competitors Origin has been handling DLC tracking with a similar feature for sometime now. Steam at this point is playing catch up.

So what do you think about this new feature? Is it a start or are they going about it wrong? How would you handle how DLC is tracked? Sound off in our comments below.

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