Tower of Fantasy Annabella

Tower of Fantasy Reveals Battle Maid Annabella's Gameplay in New Trailer

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Published: January 10, 2023 12:53 PM

Level Infinite and Hotta Studio released a new trailer about the next Simulacrum that will be available via gacha in its anime-style MMORPG Tower of Fantasy

We get to see more about Annabella, who was revealed a few days ago. As you may already know, she's pretty much a fighting maid, including the traditional garb, and she carries a giant rifle named "Clover Cross" with "maid" written on the barrel, because the outfit wasn't enough to know what she does for a living. 

The trailer focuses on showing off her combat abilities in-depth, and it appears that she has quite the arsenal at her disposal.

You can take a look below. 

We already know that she will be made available in the game's gacha on January 12, so you won't have to wait too long to try your luck (and throw your hard-earned money) at unlocking her in Tower of Fantasy. 

If you're unfamiliar with the concept, a Simulacrum is an unlockable character that players can swap to, changing to their fighting style, weapons, and abilities. Annabella is a DPS-focused flame-based simulacrum. 

She's defined as "A mysterious girl that holds multiple part-time jobs." and "always follows her orders from the Master to the letter." Apparently, sweeping said master's home and enemies are all part of the services she offers, and "business as usual" is her catchphrase.

Tower of Fantasy is free-to-play with optional microtransactions and currently available for PC, iOS, and Android, including a recently-released Steam version. Its developers have been rather consistent in updating it with new content since its release, and Annabella is just the latest addition to a growing roster.

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Game Page Tower of Fantasy
Hotta Studio
IOS, Android, PC
Release Date
August 11, 2022 (Calendar)
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