Recently it has come to light that Tom Chick of Computer Gaming World, and Gamespot fame is currently battling Stage 4 cancer. Chick who is best known for his work with Computer Gaming World in Tom Vs Bruce, 1up , Gamespot, and Rotten Tomatoes is currently engaged in a fight with one of history's toughest bosses, Cancer.
He isn't alone though it seems, if his GoFundMe made on the 23rd September is anything to go by. The campaign for funding his cancer treatment was donated within only 118 minutes exactly due to the games community and various others. The initial goal of five thousand dollars having been met in such an unprecedented time, Stephanie Schopp of TinsleyPR decided to raise the bar to ten thousand. This amount was also met with the generosity and love of many within the industry, being raised by the next day.
Stephanie expressed surprise and gratefulness at this with a heartfelt message to all involved. "Holy s***! We knew the games industry was awesome but this is incredible. Thank you guys so much. Quick note about anonymous donations: if you left a note with your private donation I'm forwarding them all to Tom so he can read them at his leisure. So, even though it's not on the site I wanted you to know he's getting them. Thanks! "
The message of love for one so well known in the industry has been heard far and wide on networking sites like twitter, and facebook. I myself retweeted it a couple of times in support of Tom Chick's recovery. His work recently as curator for Quarter to Three forums, the Three Moves Ahead podcasts and the back by popular demand kickstarted Tom Vs Bruce has earned him much respect throughout the community. Brad Wardell, former CEO of Stardock games tweeted on the 24th "One of the best gaming journalists ever, Tom Chick, is battling cancer. You can donate anonymously too. This tweet was followed shortly by "If you want to see a great, independent game site (even counts on metacritic) check out Tom's site , Quarter to Three . Brad even pointed out how Tom Chick had badly criticised previous games of his and commented on how it helped him improve.
As of writing this the amount in Tom Chick's GoFundMe is actually eight thousand dollars more than what was being asked for. Tom himself has expressed immense gratitude to the people and community personally. "I had no idea that yesterday was going to be one of the most incredible days of my life. I cannot thank everyone enough. #lifeisgood". It's very clear that Tom has a lot of love and support within the industry as well as many friends and people who respect him. On that note, all of us at Techraptor would like to wish him well. Seems like he will have enough money for healing potions and gear upgrades during the fight he has ahead of him.