Developer of Titanfall, Respawn, has confirmed that the sequel will be a multiplatform title and is currently in production at Respawn Entertainment.
The information comes from the co-founder of Respawn Entertainment Vince Zampella in an interview with IGN at the BAFTA Game Awards in London.
He said
I guess EA announced a sequel, so I could play coy and pretend I don't know anything about it, or… yeah. So we're working on a sequel. No official name yet, but we're working on that. That's the main focus but we're starting up a second team and doing some smaller stuff too. Small, exploratory, taking it slow! It'll be multiplatform.
With the original not being released on the Playstaion 4 it now looks as though its sequel almost certainly will be.
This new information isn't all too surprising as EA’s CFO Blake Jorgensen has spoke of a sequel and of the possibility of it being a multiplatform release.
Last year it was on the Xbox only; in the future, we haven’t yet announced, but we’ll probably have another Titanfall game. It will probably be a bigger footprint than just a single platform.
It was only a few days ago that it was announced the DLC for the Xbox One, Xbox 360 and PC would be free for those who purchased the game.
It looks as though EA is trying to grow the franchise and as Blake Jorgensen said trying to make "a bigger footprint" with Titanfall's sequel.