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Tin and Kuna Coming This Fall

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Published: June 23, 2020 11:16 AM

During the New Game Plus showcase today, Black River showed off a gameplay trailer for Tin & Kuna. It's a 3D puzzle platformer in which you play as rolli-polli-like creature named Kuna and, as you progress, his friend Tin as well.

During the game, you proceed through 3D environments, bouncing and rolling around like a pinball. Your goal is to save your friend Tin, and along the way solve all kinds of environmental puzzles.

Kuna can run and jump in all kinds of different ways, and will also need to fight enemies and figure out ways around hazards. Some of his moves includes dashing around and bashing through blocks. There will also be crystal powers that can be used to help solve the puzzles and get by some of the game's traps. In addition to all the standard obstacles and rewards in levels, there are secret areas and treasures you can hunt out.

The trouble started when Tin and Kuna, safe and sound on their little planetoid, find a mysterious orb (never a good thing) and accidentally break it open. At this point, chaos ensues, and spirits whisk Tin away. At each step of the adventure, Kuna restores balance back to the world.

Once Kuna rescues Tin, Tin becomes a playable character. This will add a whole new dimension to the game and ramp up the difficulty. Think of any puzzle game you've played where you control two characters, and now imagine them rolling and bouncing around across large environmental puzzles. The two must rebuild the orb to undo their mistake, contain all the evil spirits and fully restore balance to their world.

It's coming this fall to Xbox One, PS4, PC, and Switch.

Check out the action in the trailer below:

Interested in playing a new, colorful 3D platform puzzle game? Think that the two-character dimension will add an impressive twist to all the puzzle solving and combat? Let us know in the comments below!

Photo of Trevor Whalen
| Writer

I am a lifelong, enthusiastic gamer, freelance writer and editor, blogger, and Thief FM aficionado. I think that exploration-heavy, open-ended first-person… More about Trevor