Gold PS5 cover

This Custom Gold PS5 Will Drain Your Bank Account

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Published: July 23, 2020 2:31 PM

There are custom game consoles and then there are custom game consoles — the newly-debuted gold PS5 is firmly in the latter category, revealing a premium product for the gamer with a silly amount of money to burn.

UK-based luxury electronics brand Truly Exquisite has been taking everyday electronics and blinging them up for some time and now they've put their focus on the gaming world: they're going to be making some very special PlayStation 5 consoles.

The Gold PS5 will will be covered in your choice of 24K gold, 18K Rose Gold, or Platinum finishes. Of course, you'll also be able to get a controller and wireless headset to go with your shiny new console — a gentlemen (or lady) must accessorize, after all.

Gold PS5 slice

How Much Will the Gold PS5 Cost?

This luxury PS5 certainly looks impressive, but it's probably going to cost you an arm and a leg (and probably the other leg, too). How much will it cost?

A price for this item (or any of its accessories) has not yet been revealed. Heck, we don't even know what the console itself will cost; estimates for the PS5 price typically range from $399–$599 these days, so that's just the starting point.

There is, of course, the consideration of the gold finish. Believe it or not, gold isn't all that cheap and the customization process adds significantly to the cost. How much, you ask? Well, we can break things down using one of Truly Exquisite's other products.

A brand new Samsung Galaxy S20 starts at £899 ($1,144.86) on Samsung's UK website. Truly Exquisite's gold-plated Galaxy S20 starts at £2,900 ($3693). Note how I said "starts" — the cheapest model is nearly four thousand dollars, and the prices only go up from there.

Granted, the PS5 will certainly cost around half the $999.99 price of the Galaxy S20 in America, but there's also a lot more surface area on the PlayStation 5 that will need to be covered with shiny metal. I'd guess that the cheapest version of this luxury console will probably start at $5,000, and I wouldn't be surprised if my estimate was lowballing the price.

If this luxury product seems like the kind of thing you'd like to buy, you can register your interest for a Gold PS5 at Truly Exquisite. Alternatively, you can wait for the PS5 to go on sale on Amazon like the rest of us and save yourself the trouble of taking out a bank loan.

Disclosure: Amazon works with TechRaptor for affiliate partnership, and TechRaptor earns a small commission off purchases made from some links in this article.

Would you ever want a gold-plated PS5 or is ot not really your style? What's your favorite luxury product that's worth every penny? Let us know in the comments below!

A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
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One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N