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Telltale Games' The Walking Dead Season 3 to Start in 2016

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Published: March 23, 2016 7:00 PM

Telltale Games' The Walking Dead's third season is scheduled to start in the latter half of 2016 according to an interview between Telltale Games' CEO Kevin Bruner and

Fans worried about how Telltale will continue telling their story after the seemingly definitive endings, plural, of Season 2 should be relieved to hear that the team planned ahead. And from the sounds of it, they're looking to do more than haphazardly merge all the endings into the story within the opening of the new season. 

"When we got to Season 2, we had a plan in the back of our minds of how we would make all these endings keep those [stories] going forward," said Bruner. "From a role-playing, interactive storytelling point of view, it's not from the bad of tricks that we've ever shown anybody before."

Continuing the story isn't the only the only point of interest concerning some. Both previous seasons of The Walking Dead were originally released on the now antiquated Xbox 360 and Playstation 3, locking those saved files to last gen hardware. Fear not, Telltale has a plan, though not an articulated one.

"We've got a strategy to help Season 3 players...collect all their data from the previous games. We didn't have the cloud services in Season 1 that we have now, so we're going to have a solution for everybody that we're not talking about yet."

Fans of the series aren't the only people the developers had in mind while working on Season 3, as  Bruner expressed a desire to bring in fans of The Walking Dead both old and new. 

"How do we go back and make sure all Walking Dead fans can get in while still keeping all of our storylines going? I think where we're landing with the story for Season 3 does a really good job of both of those things," Bruner said. "It allows people who maybe haven't played [the first two seasons] to come in and get up to speed really quickly, but it definitely respects, honors and facilitates all of the various end points that Season 2 had."

This news comes as fans await the release of the third and final episode of The Walking Dead: Michonne in April and on the heels of Telltale opening up about their upcoming Batman game. Speaking at a panel at South by Southwest in Austin, TX, Bruner also revealed a major engine overhaul coming with the release of their Batman title and Telltale's games to follow. The Walking Dead Season 3, debuting after the summer release of Batman, will likely feature the same, "very much upgraded," engine that Batman fans will be beginning to enjoy throughout the summer. 

More news on Telltale's The Walking Dead Season 3 is expected to roll out around Comic-Con this summer.

After the definitive endings of The Walking Dead Season 2, are you looking forward to reopening the story? Share your thoughts in the comments below