Much like they did after the Nioh open alpha, Team Ninja has shared details on the results of the closed beta for their upcoming Action RPG Nioh. Just like last time, this post talks about the changes they are going to make based on user feedback, as well as shows the results of surveys they got filled in.
The overall focus with Nioh at this point is going to be in fine tuning it further. In particular, they list looking at balance and pacing, adjusting the player growth and armor parameters, and making the user interface clearer and easier to use. Those three focuses show a game that is getting close to launch, and right now working on polishing matters to a shine with the proper tweaks. One of the first things that stand out is that they will be implementing a training stage for tutorials to allow players to learn the basic controls and core gameplay actions easier.
A lot of small tweaks to controls, player balance, level design are mentioned but in the enemies section we see a few interesting things. For the Twilight Missions in the game, they are going to add Boss attack variations, which will hopefully create greater variety in these sections. Additionally, they are revising Super Armor (which is the stat which governs how or if an attack staggers an enemy or not), and homing abilities to make sure that they work in a fun and engaging way. For multiplayer, they are going to add the ability to skip the in-game movies (their term, not mine!) after the boss is defeated in co-op play.
The survey shows that Nioh was much better received this time around, in all sections of the world. All areas show improvement, and while our focus is more on the world segment, one cannot miss the massive improvements to the Asian region scores. The Alpha Demo in Asia had a 59% overall very good/good rating, with only 33% giving a very good/good to difficulty and balance. With the beta that increased to a 92% very good/good rating overall, and a 66% very good/good score in difficulty and balance.
Worldwide, we see the game picked up 11 points in the overall category, going to 94% very good or good from the Alpha test's 83%. The biggest improvement here was in difficulty and balance with an increased rating of 17 points, as the Beta scored a 78% there against the Alpha's 61%. Perhaps more importantly, it featured the biggest decrease in very bad/bad scores as well, dropping from 24% in the Alpha to 9% in the Beta.
Nioh is set to release on February 9th, 2017 on PlayStation 4 worldwide. Also, since you made it to the end, here's the Tokyo Game Show trailer.
Did you play the Nioh open beta? What were your thoughts on it? Are you looking forward to Nioh's release? Share your thoughts in the comments below!