System Shock Remake

System Shock Remake Successfully Funded

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Published: July 12, 2016 9:28 AM

Following our coverage surrounding the System Shock Remake, today Nightdive Studios has successfully reached the funds needed for their Kickstarter project.  

With the pledge goal of $900,000, the Kickstarter project is now sitting at over $967,000. With 16 more days to go, no doubt we can expect to see these numbers rise within the coming fortnight. 

Following their announcement, CEO of Nightdive Studios Stephen Kick provided a quick update thanking the backers for their support thus far. In this update, he went on to loosely describe the events leading him up to this point, including his reason on why they wanted to remake this title from the ground up. 

There's no possible way I could convey how grateful the Nightdive team is to the 14,000+ backers who put their trust in us - we're having a lot of fun remaking System Shock and we owe it all to you! 

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!" - Stephen Kick, CEO of Nightdive studios

However while the campaign may be funded, doesn't mean it's over just yet. Right now, Nightdive is now shifting focus on reaching the stretch goals, which promises add additional content for upcoming title.

For instance, if the project succeeds generating over $1.2 million, System Shock will feature Mac and Linux support and localization. At the $1.4 million mark, System Shock will receive additional locations, characters, and updates to the games core design. $1.5 million will see that title receives a full orchestral score, and $1.7 million will provide additional death and dismemberment animations. There looks to be four additional stretch goals planned, though at this point we are uncertain as to what they will be.

Released back in the mid-90s, System Shock was critically acclaimed for its time and became an instant classic among gamers. With the incorporation of features such as obtaining scattered audio logs and uncovering the lore within the level design, the title proved to be incredibly innovated. To this day critics say that these elements set standards for future titles to come (e.g. Bioshock, Resident Evil, Half Life).  

The team behind this project are all industry veterans said to be passionate in delivering this remake. With developers behind titles such as System Shock, Fallout: New Vegas, and Bioshock, it goes without saying that this project appears to be in good hands.

For more details including a link to their pre-alpha demo, be sure to check out their official Kickstarter page. In other related news, indie studio Otherside Entertainment is also said to be working on System Shock 3. While details still remain unknown, the studio did provide us a haunting website teaser when announcing their project late last year. 

What are your thoughts on the System Shock remake? Are you a fan of the series? If so, are you excited for this release? Let us know what you think in the comments below!

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Super famous games journalist currently based in Melbourne, Australia. When not writing for TechRaptor, Jason is also covering material for Digital Fox.… More about Jason