A Sure Thing: Death's Gambit Revealed

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Published: March 1, 2015 2:42 PM

Evocative of a Dark Souls 'demake' crossed with a bit of Shadow of the Colossus, Death's Gambit is a 2-D sidescrolling slash-'em-up punctuated by titanic, acrobatic boss battles. Described as a non-linear, branching, action-RPG on developer White Rabbit's website, Death's Gambit will be showing at PAX East, and may soon open to funding via Kickstarter.

The studio hasn't opened to crowdfunding yet, but may still decide to. Though the game appears to be well developed already, the studio has hinted that they might begin a Kickstarter, based on some unrevealed factors. Judging by the loving detail and close communication with fans being put into this game already, it's safe to guess that the extra funding would be going towards making the game truly massive and immersing. If they are able to get extra funds to kickfinish their project, it could potentially be a really deep and sprawling experience.

According to presently released info, the game is set on "an alien medieval planet filled with beasts, knights, and horrors", surrounding a character who has made a deal with Death in order to survive. Gameplay elements are designed to provoke thoughtful, intentional play instead of reflexive response, and while these elements were openly inspired by the Souls series, Death's Gambit intends to remain distinct and offer its own unique elements and variety.

Drop your shield. Perfect.

Even now gorgeous pixel art and combat clips are plentifully available, so seeing what could be done with more time and funding tantalizes the mind. It looks as though this game is nearly complete, but in reality development is still ongoing.. If you're interested in seeing where this ends up going, you can follow new developments on FacebookTumblr, or Youtube, and on their own site. PAX East begins within the week, so anyone with an urge to follow along should hear something worthwhile fairly soon.

Are you going to keep an eye on this one? Think Dark Souls is the right inspiration to go with? Put it in those comments!