Paradox has announced big changes in the latest Stellaris Dev Diary, with the newly announced Stellaris Custodians set to change how they work on updates.
The Stellaris custodians will tweak game balance, add new content to old DLC, polish existing content, fix bugs, include performance and AI improvements, and more. Multiplayer stability along with UI and quality-of-life improvements will also be added to the game. The full explanation is below:
As we’ve released more expansions we’ve had to take longer and longer between each release, as we’ve needed to spend more time on focusing on quality, making sure each release is as stable as possible. Paradox Development Studio also looks very different today vs. how it looked just a few years ago. Things take longer, there are more processes in place, and there are a lot more people involved. Because each release is now further apart, it makes it harder for us to address some of the outstanding issues that might be affecting the community between DLC releases.
As we’ve added more content it's also been harder to polish and maintain all of the amazing existing content that we’ve added over the years. We want to keep creating new cool experiences for Stellaris, but we also want to be able to maintain a high quality for the base game itself, and for older content.
What we have done now is that we’ve staffed up, and split the Stellaris team into two teams that focus on different aspects of the game. One team, that we call “the Custodians” team, will focus on free updates that we aim to release every 3 months, while the “expansion team” will focus on creating new content for the game.
That sounds pretty cool, and Paradox is quick to say that this doesn't mean that the game will ""be fixed" or done", but now the game will continue to get better and better through this initiative.
The first free update from the Custodians is the Lem Update, which will be more ambitious and larger in scope than other Custodian updates released in the future. This is due to the fact that they've had more time to work on this update, which is always a good thing.
As for what's being added, the Humanoids Species Pack and Plantoids Species Pack will receive some new gameplay features. There will also be a balance pass on some existing gameplay systems and features. Last but not least traditions trees will now be selectable, which means players will no longer be locked into the same 7 tradition trees and can choose the tradition tree of their choice. The number of traditions trees will be expanded, with new traditions trees being added to existing DLCs. Some traditions trees will be moved around, and an example given was that "Adaptability will no longer be a swap of Diplomacy".
If you would like to read the full update, be sure to go here. For more Stellaris news in the coming months, stay tuned to TechRaptor.