Star Trek Online, the Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game developed by Cryptic Studios, has been available for fans of both the series and genre to enjoy on PC since February of 2010. After a re-launch in January of 2012 that introduced the game with a tier of free-to-play access, the game has continued on to have over 3.5 million accounts, and now, Cryptic Studios and Perfect World Entertainment seek to find new captains and bring back veterans on the latest consoles, PS4 and Xbox One.
Star Trek Online is set in the 25th century, 30 years after the events of the movie Star Trek: Nemesis, and has had 15 "Seasons" of content that brought new stories and events to the universe. In the game, every player is the captain of their own ship, and throughout the game has a number of crew members, ships, and skills available to them to change and customize for missions and exploration. Players are able to go on a true Star Trek adventure, warping into space battles, or beaming down to planets for away missions. Throughout the last 6 years, Cryptic has made a number of changes to both systems to make major improvements to how they play, as well.
There are two major changes for the console versions, as well as a complete overhaul of the User Interface. The development team noted that their first major task was converting a PC game that used the majority of the keyboard to a controller configuration and that they accomplished this by incorporating radial menus and streamlining many of the HUDs that are currently in-game. The second major task was a major overhaul of the engine and lighting used in the game, which greatly improved the visual quality of the game. There's a great example of this in the update, and the developers do note that the changes will be coming to PC players as well!
Star Trek Online will be beaming onto the Playstation 4 and Xbox One in Fall 2016, and while no details have been released about cost or subscription details, the Executive Producer did request that players keep their "hailing frequencies open" for future updates. For players interested in checking out the game on PC for the time being, they can visit the official site to sign up and download the game.
Check out the Announcement Trailer below: