DOOM Eternal soundtrack Collector's Edition cover

Doom Eternal Collector's Edition Won't Ship With Everything

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Published: March 12, 2020 1:37 PM

There's a bit of bad news for the demon slayers of the world — the DOOM Eternal soundtrack is not going to be shipping with the game's Collector's Edition.

Before we break down the bad news, take a gander at one of the better bits of DOOM Eternal news to come out today — the epic DOOM Eternal launch trailer is here.

An update on Bethesda's website has the bad news for the people who have pre-ordered the DOOM Eternal Collector's Edition: the standalone DOOM Eternal soundtrack will "not be available" as originally intended.

That's not to say that this particular part of the Collector's Edition has been canceled, mind. Bethesda doesn't go into specifics, but it seems that there's going to be some kind of delay with getting this item out to customers.

You will, of course, still be able to enjoy the rockin' tunes coming with this game on launch — and you'll also be getting the soundtrack for the 2016 DOOM game on launch day. Bethesda promises to ship out the DOOM Eternal soundtrack as soon as they're able.

DOOM Eternal soundtrack Collector's Edition slice

Can You Get a Refund for the Missing DOOM Eternal Soundtrack?

The disappointing lack of the DOOM Eternal soundtrack might make some people want to get a refund. If you're wondering whether or not you can get one, the answer really depends on where you live.

Here's what Bethesda has to say on the matter:

If you wish to cancel your DOOM Eternal Collector’s Edition pre-order because of the delay, please promptly contact your retailer or point of purchase. If you are unable to contact your retailer, you may reach Bethesda customer support at

You'll be able to enjoy eviscerating demons when DOOM Eternal (sans soundtrack) launches on March 20, 2020. In the meantime, you could comfort yourself with some Spicy Demon'ade energy drink.

What do you think of the DOOM Eternal Collector's Edition not having the soundtrack at launch? Are you upset by its absence or are you just happy to be able to play the game? Let us know in the comments below!

A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
| Senior Writer

One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Doom Eternal
Game Page Doom Eternal
Id Software
Bethesda Softworks
Release Date
March 20, 2020 (Calendar)
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