Temtem's first ever event screenshot is very Christmass-y.

Spread The Holiday Spirit In Temtem's First Event

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Published: December 12, 2022 9:40 AM

Are you ready to spread some Christmas cheer? Well, Temtem's first event, Winterfest, has just released, which will allow you and other players to earn points to spend on holiday cosmetics. The event will run from today, December 12th, until January 1st, which should give you a lot of time to get all the rewards you want.

As for the rewards, you'll be able to earn a festive cosmetic hat, a holidays spray, a "Christmassy" furniture item, and a new emote to convey holiday spirit and presumably spread Christmas cheer. There's also a new seal "to display your love for this time of year", and a new banner so that everyone and their Temtem knows how festive you are. While there aren't a ton of cosmetics to earn, it's also a light enough event you can ignore it if you want, as there don't seem to be any must-earn items amongst this collection. That doesn't mean you should ignore it, of course, but the option is there, which is appreciated. 

Temtem screenshot shows Temtem's fighting each other.
Your Temtem's didn't get the memo that they're supposed to make love and not war.

As for Temtem itself, it's been doing pretty well for itself, with its 1.2 update, Days of Yore, launching last Monday, alongside a new season, which is always exciting for competitive players. The update provided a makeover of the battle system, which changed the ranked meta by adding ranks and organizing things by season to create a more balanced and fair experience.

Temtem Showdown, like Pokemon Showdown before it, makes it easier for players to try competitive play. As a battle simulator, you and other players can see how new items work and test them out in battle without having to climb the ranks. It's a great idea if you want the competitive experience without having to put the blood, sweat, and tears into building a team yourself, so you should give it a try if you're even remotely interested.

For more information on Temtem and other Pokemon-esque titles, stay tuned to TechRaptor.

A very unflattering picture of my tired face.
| Staff Writer

Patrick is a former Staff Writer for TechRaptor and has been gaming on every console he could get since he could hold a controller. He’s been writing for… More about Patrick

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Humble Bundle
Release Date
January 21, 2020 (Calendar)
MMO, RPG, Adventure
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