
Soulframe and Warframe Expansion Announced at Tennocon

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Published: July 18, 2022 9:26 AM

At their 7th annual TennoCon, Digital Extremes has announced a both a brand new title and a Warframe expansion. The new title is Soulframe, a free-to-play action-hybrid MMORPG, while the new Warframe expansion is The Duviri Paradox, an open world-based expansion where players must break free from an endless cycle of death and rebirth. Let's take a look at them both, shall we?

What's Digital Extremes' new MMORPG?

To start off with the most exciting announcement, Soulframe is a new MMORPG from Digital Extremes. There isn't much information out there right now, but players can register on the official website to register their email and potentially reserve their in-game name by declaring their Envoy. In order to do so, would-be players will have to solve an interactive puzzle on the site first.

“With Soulframe’s worldbuilding and thematic elements, we are really looking to go back to our childhood favorites and pull inspiration from the elaborate fantasy worlds that we fell in love with growing up,” said Soulframe Creative Director Geoff Crookes. “Our team is really interested in this idea of nature and humanity colliding and we’ll be exploring a lot of those themes through our own lens while playing with ideas of restoration and exploration.”

What's Digital Extremes' new Warframe expansion?

In pretty exciting but not quite as exciting as a new MMORPG news, The Duviri Paradox is an open-world based expansion for Warframe that puts players in the shoes of an outlaw that's trying to break from "Duviri’s endless daily cycle of death and rebirth." The new Warframe expansion will give players a new Cinematic Quest line to complete, along with "powerful upgrade systems" and a challenge to take control of Duviri's open world from its despotic ruler, Dominus Thrax, before the cycle starts anew. 

“‘The Duviri Paradox’ is a welcomed departure for us. It’s completely different from anything we’ve ever designed in Warframe from gameplay style to color palette and underlying themes, it’s just so uniquely its own and I think players will really enjoy the world we’ve built using layers of color as a narrative technique,” said Warframe Creative Director Rebecca Ford. “Color is a very important thematic element in this expansion and players discovered a little of what that means from our live demo at TennoCon this year. We have much more to share about how player’s existing Arsenals fit into this visually stunning and unique space - don’t miss our Devstreams!”

An upcoming Warframe update was also shown off in Veilbreaker, where players will see Kahl-175 return as a protagonist. Players will go on rescue missions and control Kahl-175-who is trying to liberate his Gineer brothers taken by Narmer-against reimagined Archon Bosses. Players will also be using Protea's new Caladirus Collection. 

Want to see Soulframe in action? Check out its reveal trailer below!

For more information on Soulframe, Warframe, and everything in between, stay tuned to TechRaptor. 

A very unflattering picture of my tired face.
| Staff Writer

Patrick is a former Staff Writer for TechRaptor and has been gaming on every console he could get since he could hold a controller. He’s been writing for… More about Patrick

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Digital Extremes
Digital Extremes
Release Date
March 25, 2013 (Calendar)
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