So Sony has unfortunately done it again. After the huge gaff where Sony was hacked releasing hundreds of employees personal information and passwords having intuitively placed all employees passwords in a file labeled password.txt, Sony has now accidentally deleted the names of all 123 winners from their competition to earn a coveted 20th Anniversary PS4.
Customers in Japan who purchased a new PS3, PS4, PS Vita or Playstation TV in December or January were eligible to receive a calendar with a unique code which could be used to enter the competition to win the special edition PS4 of which only 12,300 are in existence.
Sony then chose its 123 winners at random, but have since said that the data is unfortunately irretrievable. Consumers can reenter the competition by re-entering the code as the competition begins again, or if they have thrown the code away they can still apply through a convoluted method involving entering your products serial number.
Sony announced on their Japanese website:
"Our deepest apologies for the trouble we have caused to those who entered the previous campaign"The special edition PS4 was styled after the original Playstation to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the console. It is colored in the classic PlayStation 1 gray and comes with a matching controller with the 20th anniversary logo embedded in the touchpad. Most of the hype surrounds the fact that the console plays the classic PlayStation logo when turned on. Originally retailing for $499, the limited console sold out within a few hours and several sets are now on eBay selling for $1000 and upwards.
It isn't always despair for Sony who donated a large sum of money for charity after auctioning off one of the exclusive models. After the buyer did not make good on his $130,000 promise, Sony donated the money anyway as a show of good faith.
What do you think of this latest gaff?