The bullet travels pristinely through the air. You watch as it travels right into the brains of an unsuspecting soldier. Yes you guessed it Rebellion games has announced the return of Sniper Elite. Titled Sniper Elite 3 this game will bring back the epic sniping simulator that turns any player into a skillful marksman. The game will bring you all the gooey head shots you can handle. With the return of the all powerful bullet cam, which is a special camera angle that follows the bullet’s trajectory, getting the satisfaction out of each vital hit is easier than ever. Fans can also revel in the return of x-ray kills that show what happens to the insides of your target as the bullet rips through them. But has rebellion thrown in a few surprises?
From the trailer we see Nazi soldiers in a desert scene who are frantically escaping from an unknown enemy. Out of the three Nazis one is dead in the back seat. As they speed out of the pass the two remaining Nazis begin to relax, but a little too soon. It now focuses on the sniper who seems to be a mile away by now. He calmly takes a breath and pulls the trigger. You watch as the bullet flies to its target but as the bullet reaches its final destination you realize that he was not aiming at the men but the car itself. It goes into x-ray mode and you watch as the bullet tears apart gears that are essential to the operation of the vehicle. The car explodes up into the air and lands on top of the driver and his Nazi friend. With some careful analysis it’s clear that they have upped the anti with the x-ray kills and have moved to vehicles, an aspect that adds all new strategy to the game. Opposed to shooting at fuel tanks on the outside of cars and tanks to blow them up, it seems as if you can use your rifle to sabotage the mechanics of the vehicles as well. With 60 frames per second, Sniper Elite 3 should out do its predecessors both with gameplay and visuals.
Most recently Rebellion released a statement regarding the graphics for Sniper Elite 3. They state that the PS4 is slightly more powerful than the xbox and can usually handle the 60 frames per second while the xbox runs, at times, 10 to 20 frames slower. Aside from that however it looks like they have done it again. With a beautiful new setting based in Africa during WW2 this will make for one interesting game. Announced that it would release sometime in the second half of 2014, Sniper Elite 3 can be expected on Xbox 360, PS3, PC, and all next gen gaming systems. Get ready for more Nazi killing action and remember that one soldier can change the whole course of the war.
[box type="shadow" align="aligncenter" ]About the Author - Kyle Deck hopes to pursue a career in concept ideas for game companies and help make some kick butt games. But until then he's here to bring you some equally kick butt reviews! Find him on twitter - @KyleDeck[/box]