With the release of the new version of Skyrim, a lot of people were worried about mods. Would they still work? Would players continue to have the same experience that they have been enjoying for the last decade? Worry not, for Skyrim Anniversary Edition SKSE version has now been released due to Bethesda giving the mod creator of SKSE early access to release SKSE64 in time, which The SKSE Team has done.
One concern many players had was about Skyrim Anniversary Edition disrupting mods, but Bethesda's actions in giving the script extender team early access has helped mitigate the problem. This is due to the Skyrim Anniversary Edition SKSE version, which is essentially the pillar of Skyrim modding. Many mods use it, as SKSE "expands scripting capabilities and adds additional functionality to the game." It may not sounds like much, but under the hood it's a incredibly useful tool, and the backbone of many mods including the famous SkyUI.
Also useful for Skyrim mod lovers is the existence of the unofficial downgrade patcher, which will downgrade Skyrim from its Anniversary Edition to its Special Edition. If there's mod you can't live without and you've already upgraded, you can use this patcher to downgrade and play until your favorite mods are updated.
What else is new with the Skyrim Update?
In addition to the Skyrim Anniverary Edition additions, a day 1 patch for Skyrim Anniversary Edition released today. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Anniversary Edition - Update 1.6 on Steam is a 5.3 GB download, and with it comes performance optimization, minor art and lighting fixes, and the adjustment of creation quests so they no longer start upon leaving Helgen. These aren't the only additions of course, as there are bug fixes and balance update to many Creations included in the 500 in the Anniversary Edition, which have been included below:
- Alternative Armors – Daedric Mail
- Alternative Armors – Elven Hunter
- Alternative Armors – Ebony Plate
- Alternative Armors – Ebony Plate
- Arcane Archer Pack
- Bone Wolf
- Dawnfang & Duskfang
- Dead Man's Dread
- Chrysamere
- Civil War Champions
- Divine Crusader
- Forgotten Seasons
- Goblins
- Hendraheim
- Myrwatch
- Pets of Skyrim
- Plague of the Dead
- Rare Curios
- Ruin’s Edge
- Saints and Seducers
- Saturalia
- Spell Knight Armor
- Staff of Sheogorath
- Stendarr's Hammer
- Sunder & Wraithguard
- Survival Mode
- Tundra Homestead
If you're interested in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Anniversary Upgrade it will cost you $19.99 American dollarydoos, and it requires you to already own The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition. For more information on all things Skyrim, stay tuned to TechRaptor for more details.