On the 5th of April, Skullgirls 2nd Encore will be releasing on the PS Vita for all to play.
For those who don't know, Skullgirls 2nd Encore is an enhanced edition of Skullgirls Encore that was originally released exclusively on the PS4 and Vita. The game is a hand-animated (averaging around 1,500 frames per character) fighting game. This version will also allow cross-play with PS4 and PS3 versions but if you're one of those lucky few who own a PSTV, it also supports local multiplayer through that device.
Not only do you get an impressive game but this is probably one of the best versions to own since you get all five DLC characters, new challenges, trials and a survival mode, a full platinum trophy set and a fully voiced story mode.
The PS Vita version will allow players to use the touch screen on the Vita to interact with two of the available "Macros", the player can set these two so that they can switch characters, call in an assist and other similar actions.
Also being released are dynamic themes (one of them being free) for the PS4 and Skullgirl avatars, of which there are 39 in total.
Not to be forgotten in the news is that multiplayer lobbies are coming to the game. Peter Bartholow, the CEO of Lab Zero Games, had this to say:
We had to wait until all the PlayStation versions were complete to fully focus on this, because all must be released simultaneously so as not to fragment the online community.
With that said, he also mentions that Skullgirls' multiplayer will feature lobbies for up to eight players, with players being able to fight or spectate during matches. This feature is being called "All Play." The aforementioned All Play will allow all eight players to be paired up to fight straight away and once the fight is over, they will be paired up again. In turn, this allows for faster game time and less waiting around.
Want more details regarding this release? Make sure to check out the official US PlayStation blog post.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Batlv1vpoY Quick Take
I have only ever enjoyed playing one fighting game and that is Soul Blade for the Sony PlayStation, released in the year of 1997. Fighting games are just not for me, I suck at them but I sure do kick-ass against AI that is set on medium (maybe even hard, if I am feeling brave) but as someone who had to study a bit of animation for games design and implement them into said games. Well, it's a very tough endeavor but of course, I did nothing on such grand scale like this and I may just play Skullgirls 2nd Encore due to the smooth and sexy animations and how impressive their work really is.