
Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse Characters Set to Join Brave Frontier

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Published: September 13, 2016 10:10 AM

In preparation for the upcoming release of Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse, developers Atlus have announced a special collaboration with the popular mobile RPG Brave Frontier via a press release. The promotion is already underway, and will run until October 5, allowing players to access exclusive characters and content over the course of the event.

The special partnership opens exclusive “Collaboration Exclusive Vortex” dungeons, granting the chance to recruit Lucifer, Merkabah and Krishna of the Shin Megami Tensei franchise. Over the duration of the event, special “Grand Quests” will present the opportunity to add Asahi, Nozomi and Flynn to the player’s party. Through participation in a Facebook Share Milestone event, additional rewards will be available, including Dagda as a playable character. Each character is accompanied by unique artwork drawn in the familiar Brave Frontier style.

Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse is positioned as an immediate follow-up to 2013’s Shin Megami Tensei IV, picking up after the events of the original Neutral ending. Despite its ties to its predecessor, Apocalypse does not require an intimate understanding of the existing story, as it features a new protagonist and independent plotline. On the other side, Brave Frontier is a widely popular RPG designed for mobile systems, developed by Gumi Inc. Both titles center on a conflict of deific proportions, so the presence of Lucifer, Merkabah and Krishna seems perfectly appropriate.

For SMT fans, this collaboration is a phenomenal opportunity to view classic characters with a brand new art style. Brave Frontier is significantly lighter and more vivid than the grim, earthy tones of SMT, and the familiar designs fit perfectly into their new eye-catching art style. For Brave Frontier players, it’s a neat little addition of content that brings some exclusive material to the fore, albeit on a limited time basis. The extent of this content remains unknown, but more light will be shed as the event progresses.

Brave Frontier is available worldwide on iOS, Android, Amazon and Windows Phone devices, and access to the collaboration content is free of charge. Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse will launch on September 20 in the US, exclusively for the 3DS family of handhelds.

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