After a very... wavy launch, Sea of Thieves has passed 15 million overall players, with 1 million copies sold on Steam.
It was only 7 months ago in January that there were 10 million players, so 5 million players over 7 months is not bad at all. In fact, more people have played the game in the first half of 2020, which is more than all of 2019, which is more than 2018.
In June 2020, the game enjoyed 3.3 million concurrent players, the biggest month in Sea of Thieves history thus far. This is partially due to the Steam launch, which has seen over 1 million copies of the game being sold so far, with the game occupying the top 50 in terms of overall players for pretty much the entire time it has been available.
Apparently there is more to come, which makes sense given how successful this game has become. There are no indicators as to when or what content we'll be seeing, but I'm fairly certain it's going to be on the water in a ship with a bunch of other thieves. Just a hunch, though.
If you're interested in Sea of Thieves, be sure to check it out on Steam.
Quick Take
Sea of Thieves has lived up to its nicknaming of No Man's Sea, which is a particularly apt description as what was once a derisory nick name for a game lacking in things to do now mirrors No Man's Sky in having added a lot of high quality content over time. It has had a remarkable turnaround, and people are really enjoying it now compared to its disastrous launch and beta. Hopefully this means that the game will have a long life cycle, but we'll sea.
What do you think of this news? Has Sea of Thieves been a game you enjoyed then or now? Let us know in the comments!