So today's Scarlet Nexus' Steam update is pretty wild, as Character Shadows weren't showing up if you were to play the game in French, along with other languages. Players were also unable to leave the "Shop" with keyboard and mouse controls after receiving DLCs. Adding to the weirdness, it's apparently a 5.7 GB update, so apparently it was a massive fix? It's only two minor fixes though, so it only serves to add to the confusion. This is all so weird because it feels like I'm writing a series of bad jokes, but no, this is real, and this actually happened.
Speaking of bad jokes, imagine if this was intended and the Shop actually had lines of dialogue for players trying to leave while using their keyboard and mouse:
"Surely Sir does not wish to leave the Shop with those...unwieldy things?"
"Perhaps Sir would prefer a controller?"
We can keep this going, too. After the player has switched to their controller and left the shop, they now realize they no longer have shadows on their character. The game gives them a few seconds to turn around on the spot before offering this line:
"Mon Dieu! Where has Sir's shadow gone!?"
Bad jokes aside, some enterprising users on Twitter have been making educated guesses as to why and how Character Shadows wouldn't work if you were using the French-language version of Scarlet Nexus. This Tweet in particular postulated that perhaps the shadow texture was flagged as a localized texture, so if you wanted to use the French language version and it wasn't flagged properly you would get no Character Shadows.
Thanks, Dlanor A. Knox for the image, which shows the bug.
If you are interested in Scarlet Nexus and wish to join in Bandai Namco's crusade against French and other undisclosed speakers, be sure to check it out on Steam.