Square has been showing the classic Final Fantasy games plenty of love recently. Both Final Fantasy IX and Final Fantasy X and X-2 have just been re-released on Steam. It seems there's a chance that Final Fantasy IX is coming to more now.
While it was originally thought that a port of Final Fantasy IX was unlikely due to the lack of any PC version, both Final Fantasy VII and VIII had PC versions when they were released. Yet Square Enix surprised fans by porting Final Fantasy IX to both iOS and Android devices back in February, and then a port to Steam in April. The port featured HD textures, improved character models and backgrounds, achievements, and boosters that you could use to speed the game up or shut off encounters.
One of the developers behind the port was Silicon Studio Thailand. A user on NeoGaf noted that a resume from one of the people who worked at the developed mentioned working on the port. Besides mentioning the Steam, iOS, and Android version, the developer also mentioned working on a PlayStation Vita version. The resume has since been removed, but not before a screenshot was taken.
While there's no current confirmation from anyone, the idea doesn't seem too far fetched. Square Enix brought the Steam version of Final Fantasy VII to the PlayStation 4 near the end of last year. It should be noted that Final Fantasy IX is actually available on the PlayStation Vita right now under the PlayStation One Classic section. While you can play it now, this version would not contain the graphical boosts or the optional boosters the Steam rerelease has received.
Final Fantasy IX is currently available on Steam, iOS, and Android for $20.99, or on the PlayStation 3 and Vita as a PlayStation One Classic for $9.99.
Think this one is true? Would you buy a rerelease of Final Fantasy IX on the Vita? Want it on the PlayStation 4 instead? Let us know in the comments!