injustice gods among us

[Rumor] Injustice: Gods Among Us 2 To Be Announced

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Published: May 31, 2016 2:35 PM

NetherRealm is reportedly working on a sequel to Injustice: Gods Among Us, which pitted DC superheroes against each other and their iconic villains. Rumored to be planned for March  of 2017, and soon to be announced officially, a source allegedly close to the project leaked some details about the game, as well as the fact of its existence. According to, the French site dropped the info yesterday, and hinted that an announcement might even come before E3 this June.

According to this news, the sequel will be available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC, and will use the Mortal Combat X engine. Similarly, the previous game was built from the same parts as Mortal Kombat 9, and had accordingly similar tech. Unlike the classic arcade fighter series, Injustice followed a story set in the DC Universe, where events have lead to those who are normally heroes coming to blows with each other. One notable detail is that the inclusion of the PC platform runs counter to an exclusion of that medium later in the life of Mortal Kombat X.

Even if the Injustice games were a way to resell Mortal Kombat with a superheroic veneer, the first one included some new concepts that were later integrated into Mortal Kombat X, and they remain quality fighting games in their own right. Plus, the mechanics are distinct enough that they feel different in play, and the added consumer value of seeing the Joker somehow beat up Superman is worth it for the added novelty value alone. He can do it if he tries real hard.

Image Credit: PlatanoGames Network
Image Credit: PlatanoGames Network

There's no reason to doubt these rumors more than you normally would; Injustice was a successful game, selling over four million copies, and it's been long enough since Mortal Kombat X that its mechanics might feel fresh again, particularly with the time they've had to tweak everything to the standards of the first game.  It shouldn't be long now before they're confirmed or not, and that will show the truth of our French connection.

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Xbox One, PlayStation 4
Release Date
May 16, 2017 (Calendar)
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