On October 5th, 2015 Rock Band 4 was released along with a new wave of rhythm games. While it may not have set the world on fire like rhythm games of old, we still found it to be a solidly fun game. Now, as revealed in a recent blog post, it seems Harmonix has big plans for the rhythm series giant.
Both in May and June Harmonix will be adding in some new features. May will see a couple of characters from Battleborn added to the game for free, so you can rock out as Miko or Thorn. May will also bring in an update to allow double kick pedal support for the drums. In June the game will have the much request practice mode added back in, which will allow players to replay sections of songs to learn them better, or get help adjusting their voice to fit the pitch of a song.
After a summer break, the next big stuff comes in the fall including an expansion pack for the game. Harmonix said their goal was to make Rock Band 4 the only Rock Band game for this generation and to keep updating it instead of making new ones, so this expansion is to keep in line with that. Harmonix is promising "brand-new, never-before-seen features" for the series that will change how you play it. Coming with the new expansion are better filtering options for the song list, another much-requested feature, including the ability to thumbs-up and thumbs-down a song. Along with this, Harmonix said they'll be working with Performance Designed Products (PDP) to make an adapter to use the popular Xbox 360 Ion Drum Rocker on the Xbox One. For all three of these Harmonix promised more to be revealed at E3 and that the expansion would allow them to continue updating Rock Band 4 into 2017.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HxuKliQpSIY Finally, expected to come out in the holiday season, Harmonix is adding back another popular mode that was missing from Rock Band 4: online multiplayer. They didn't have much to say about it just yet, admitting that it's still in the design phases, but the idea is to allow quickplay-styled gameplay and work around players missing DLC. As an aside, Harmonix did mention that development on Rock Band VR is still going well, but didn't say more than that.
Harmonix is recovering from a failed Fig.co campaign to port Rock Band 4 to the PC and bring back the popular Rock Band Network. They only made a little less than $800,000 of their $1.5 million goal.
What are your thoughts on Rock Band 4's upcoming content? Does this interest you in the game at all? Share your thoughts in the comments below!