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Robert Kirkman Steps In To Rescue Telltale's The Walking Dead

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Published: October 6, 2018 10:56 PM

Earlier tonight, Skybound Games announced that they would be taking over the development of  Telltale Game's The Walking Dead: The Final Season.

Late last month, Telltale Games suffered massive layoffs, going from 275 employees to twenty-five in order to reportedly finish work with Netflix on the Minecraft: Story Mode interactive show.  Earlier this week, there were even more layoffs, with a meager few left to still work on the title.

The initial announcement on Twitter was sparse: just an announcement that Skybound Games announcing that they have reached a deal with Telltale Games and that they are excited to "wrap up Clem's story right!"

Variety reports that Skybound Studios, founded by Robert Kirkman, the original creator of The Walking Dead, struck the deal with the beleaguered studio. They will be taking both the development and publishing duties for the title, and are also trying to ensure that the former Telltale development team finishes the game. This makes sense, as while nothing is finalized, a different development team altogether could easily lead to noticeable differences between both halves of The Final Season.

“We’ve successfully negotiated with Telltale Games for our company Skybound to come in and see Season 4 of the Telltale game to completion,” Kirkman told an audience at New York Comic-Con Saturday night. “We can’t lose Andrew Lincoln and Clementine in the same year.”
Skybound Entertainment was originally founded in 2010 to develop and publish properties for television, film, video games, and digital media. Titles such as The Walking Dead: Road to Survival, Overkill's The Walking Dead, and Walking Dead: Saints and Sinners were published by Skybound Entertainment. Skybound Games was created earlier this year in order to facilitate its goals of video game development, which has been proceeding apace this year so far.

We reached out to Skybound Games, who've stated that they cannot provide further details at this time. We will update this article the moment we have more information.

What do you think of this story? Are you going to be finishing The Walking Dead? Let us know in the comments!

A very unflattering picture of my tired face.
| Staff Writer

Patrick is a former Staff Writer for TechRaptor and has been gaming on every console he could get since he could hold a controller. He’s been writing for… More about Patrick