Risk of Rain 2 1.0 Launch Steam cover

Risk of Rain 2 Launches 1.0 August 2020

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Published: July 21, 2020 12:49 PM

After more than a year in Steam Early Access, Risk of Rain 2 will be launching Version 1.0 in August 2020. This 3D revival of the intense, unforgiving roguelike has been in Early Access for a while now and the devs have finally decided to make the move to full release.

"It’s finally time -we are super excited to announce that we are launching the 1.0 version of Risk of Rain 2 on Steam on August 11th," the developers said in a Steam Community Announcement.

"Early Access has felt like a crazy ride through uncharted space, and we can’t thank you all enough for supporting us over the last year and a half," the announcement continued. "We’ve had great fun steering through Early Access together, and we will always be thankful for the patience and excitement our community has displayed."

Version 1.0 will be bringing some changes to the game both small and large. For instance, "keywords" will be added to abilities to save space in the descriptions as some of them were getting rather lengthy. The devs are also planning on doing more frequent updates in the future, so we should see the launch of fixes and changes pick up the pace in the coming months.

As for the larger changes, here's what you can expect according to a press release:

  • New Survivor: The Captain - The tenth playable character uses utility and damage to control the battlefield, wielding a shotgun-rifle combo.
  • New Stage - The Moon is being added as a new stage.
  • New Monsters - The Moon will feature terrifying Lunar Monsters.
  • Hidden Boss - A new secret boss is being added.
  • Server Browser - A new server browser will make it easier than ever to find games.
  • New Items - A fair few new items are being added like the Molten Perforator (which fires magma balls) and the Super Massive Leech (which drains enemy health).
  • New Skill Variants and Lore - Completing challenges in-game will unlock more skill variants and lore for the Survivors.

Risk of Rain 2 1.0 Launch Steam slice

When Is the Risk of Rain 2 Release Date?

If you're curious about the 1.0 Risk of Rain 2 release date, you'll be happy to hear that you won't be in for too long of a wait — the game will be launching as a full release on Steam on August 11, 2020.

New content and a new version number aren't all that's coming with 1.0, though. As the developers noted in a recent "Development Thoughts" announcement, They're planning on increasing the price of Risk of Rain 2 from $19.99 to $24.99.

If you haven't already bought this game, now is probably the best time to do it. You can buy Risk of Rain 2 on Steam for $19.99 or your regional equivalent. The price will be going up by five bucks starting on the 1.0 release date of August 11, 2020.

Have you played Risk of Rain 2 yet? What do you think of the game's development thus far? Let us know in the comments below!

A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
| Senior Writer

One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Risk of Rain 2
Game Page Risk of Rain 2
Hopoo Games
Gearbox Publishing
Release Date
August 11, 2020 (Calendar)
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