RimWorld Console

RimWorld Console Edition Coming This July

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Published: June 29, 2022 1:41 PM

Colony Sims require a lot of time and dedication with RimWorld being no different and expanding its reach to do so. The massive sci fi will be leaving PC exclusivity in July to launch a version for different consoles. This launch will likely include a number of technical changes in order to make the game compatible for console platforms so that the management aspects remain functional. Though this edition was leaked previously, it's now officially out in the open

The RimWorld Console Edition

Developed and published by Ludeon Studios, RimWorld presented players with a huge task and a huge world to try and complete it. Due to all the mechanics and layers of the game, it was confined to PC for the longest time but this will be changing. On July 29th, RimWorld will be launching on consoles four years after its launch. It's currently confirmed to release for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One with a price tag of $39.99. Preorders are available now at the game's official website.

The transition to consoles will be a big one considering everything that RimWorld involves. The game takes place on an unknown planet where a crew of three humans have crashed. With no foreseeable way off the planet, players must guide the crewmembers to use whatever they can from the wreckage to start building a settlement. From there on, they'll expand their society as they discover new territory, resources, wildlife, and points of interest to either aid them or harm them. Another key element is the physical and mental health of the crewmembers. As time goes on they'll get injured, sick, and suffer from psychological harm which will need time and treatment so they can contribute once again.

What does Rimworld Console Edition launch?

Console players will get a chance to try Rimworld on July 29th, for PS4, and Xbox One.

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Hey, I'm Will Q.
| Staff Writer
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Game Page RimWorld
Ludeon Studios
Ludeon Studios
Release Date
October 17, 2018 (Calendar)
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