Returnal patch

Returnal Patch 1.3.4 Issued Because 1.3.3 Corrupted Saves

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Published: May 6, 2021 9:41 AM

After Returnal's 1.3.3 patch was pulled due to save corruption issues, patch 1.3.4 reverts to a previous stable build (1.3.1) while also addressing a Trophies issue and fixing a keyboard exploit. Patch 1.3.5 will also have information released on it in the near future, and all save games are safe to be played now, so you can get back to getting dunked on by angry aliens.

However, if you were unlucky enough to try and play Returnal while patch 1.3.3 was active, here's some official steps to take to try and get your game back up and running:

  • Some game saves will have become corrupted with Patch 1.3.3, but maintained their file size. Players with those save games are able to safely continue their progress after installing Patch 1.3.4, without the need for using a backed up save game.

  • Unfortunately other save games will have been effectively "deleted" by Patch 1.3.3, with their file size reducing to 0KB. These save games are not directly salvageable by Patch 1.3.4, without a backup save game available.

  • In those cases, please try using a backed up save from PS+ if available, after installing Patch 1.3.4. With an intact save game from PS+, players can safely restore and continue playing with Patch 1.3.4 installed.

  • Depending on the console settings, the cloud save may have been overwritten by the "deleted" save game noted above. If this is the case, progress will remain unsalvageable, even with Patch 1.3.4. 

As for the aforementioned keyboard cheats that were available before this patch, they allowed players to drop weapons, respawn at the ship with loot intact, and respawn at the last place you visited (the beginning of a dungeon or area). As one might expect, players needed a keyboard to use these cheats and couldn't do them on a controller. Apparently, no one was banned for using these cheats, but they were also quickly deemed no bueno by the developers and patched out with patch 1.3.4. The Konami code these were not.

If you would like to know more about Returnal, check out TechRaptor's Returnal page here. For more information on Returnal going forward, stay tuned to TechRaptor.

What do you think of this update? Where you caught up in the patch 1.3.3 mess? Did you lose any saves? Are you turned off from playing Returnal now? Let us know in the comments!

A very unflattering picture of my tired face.
| Staff Writer

Patrick is a former Staff Writer for TechRaptor and has been gaming on every console he could get since he could hold a controller. He’s been writing for… More about Patrick

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PlayStation 5
Release Date
April 30, 2021 (Calendar)
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