
Retro Platformer Fox N Forests Jumps Into Action May 17th

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Published: April 25, 2018 9:20 AM

Retro-inspired action platformer Fox N Forests will be released for PC, PS4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch on May 17th.

A press release, sent out by developers Bonus Level Entertainment and publisher EuroVideo, announced the release date for Fox N Forests, as well as explaining a few gameplay and setting details. The project was originally funded via Kickstarter back in 2016, where Bonus Level Entertainment managed to get €107,875 from 1,459 backers to bring the game to life. The game is described by its developers as being mostly inspired by Super Ghouls N Ghosts, as well as other classic 16-bit platformers.

Accompanying the aforementioned press release was a video focusing on one of the game's levels, "Fungus Forest". Here's the video:

Bonus Level Entertainment describes the game as being "inspired by the classic SNES era", specifically the Castlevania and Zelda franchises, as well as Super Ghouls N Ghost. Players will take control of Rick, the titular fox, and his magical crossbow, which also gives him the ability to switch between two seasons on the fly. Levels will change according to which seasons players are currently in, giving players the opportunity to "create new platforms out of falling leaves in autumn, freeze surroundings in winter, and use other powers at [Rick's] disposal". According to the press release, players of Fox N Forests can expect a game which "combines modern game design and retro charm accentuated with glorious 16-Bit graphics and a chiptune soundtrack", and is "both accessible and challenging".

Fox N Forests is German developer Bonus Level Entertainment's first project and will be the first game released under publisher EuroVideo's new gaming label Wild River. The game will be available to purchase on May 17th for PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch. No pricing information is available as of yet, so expect more details on that as the release date draws closer.

Excited to get your hands on Fox N Forests? Got something to say about retro 16-bit platformers? Let us know in the comments below!

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| Senior Writer

Joe has been writing for TechRaptor for several years, and in those years has learned a lot about the gaming industry and its foibles. He’s originally an… More about Joseph