A Dark Souls 3 Reddit community of 100,000 members selected June 10 as a "Global Restart Day" in which players are encouraged to restart Dark Souls on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC. Anyone wanting to participate is instructed to make a new character and facilitate the summoning and invasion processes to give players the experience of Dark Souls players of 2012.
The instructions to participate are as follows,
"Simply make a new character on Friday, June 10th - no matter what platform you have Dark Souls 1 for! Be sure to use co-op as much as possible; whether you're taking the role of Darkwraith and slaying other players, or following in Solaire's footsteps and participating in some Jolly Cooperation. Be sure to indict your invaders for maximum PvP opportunities! PC PLAYERS; BE SURE TO CHECK OUT THIS LINK PRIOR TO GRD!"
The post recommends that PC players looking to participate download the Dark Souls Connectivity Mod or DSCM. The DSCM runs alongside Steam's matchmaking service to more easily connect players to one another. More information on the DSCM here and the full Global Restart Day post is available here.
Global Sales figures for the Dark Souls franchise top 13 million according to a Bandai Namco press release, translated by gematsu.com. Over three million copies sold in the series were copies Dark Souls 3 sold in its first month. It's the fastest-selling entry in the series, even including the Lovecraftian spinoffish title Bloodborne. Newer fans to the table thirsting for more souls and lore now have a time period with which to go and explore Lordran in its original splendor.
This is not the first time an event has been organized to repopulate the world of a Souls title. In 2012, Atlus announced they were shutting down the servers to 2009's progenitor Souls title, Demon's Souls. Atlus encouraged players to enjoy the game in its full capacity with a month left before they'd shut down the servers. Support was so strong that Atlus reversed their decision and instead went about promoting the game again.
If you have a PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, are you planning on participating in Global Restart Day? If so, is it your first time running through the original Dark Souls? Let us know in the comments below!