If you were around this week to play around with the 2.0 patch for Ubisoft's tactical multiplayer shooter Rainbow Six Siege, you know that that patch managed to fix quite a few things as well as break others. The 2.0 patch introduced a few new problems like headshots not registering, mines becoming invisible and a rather bizarre bug that displayed other players as a standing black silhouette that made it impossible to figure out whether the player in question was actually standing or laying down. Ubisoft has now deployed the 2.1 patch to the PC servers, with the console versions getting a patch on the 17th.
In the patch notes on the official Ubisoft forums, a community manager leaves no stone unturned as to what this patch attempts to fix, as well as detail some new features bundled in with the patch, which totals at a substantial 1.2GB. Let's start with the fixes first.
The bug where some players were displayed in the aforementioned T-pose have been fixed, in addition to the game correctly registering headshots and knife kills. A mine's laser can no longer become invisible, so you'll have to be properly sneaky about where to throw them down again. Exploits regarding duplicated batteries and using deployable shields to clip through walls have also been fixed and a bug where players could get stuck on an infinite reload animation or where they were unable to reload at all have also been rectified. In addition to fixing these game breaking bugs, they have also made a ton of new balancing tweaks to the game's levels, ranked system, AI, UI and the XP system. Rainbow Six Siege's daily challenges will now also accumulate daily without needing you to log in every 24 hours, which means that you can check your new challenges whenever you decide to return to the game.
These are far from all of the tweaks and fixes in this patch, but since the fixes are numerous and life is quite short by comparison I will just link you to the full patch notes again right here.
A new feature coming to the game with this patch is the ability to host 10 player custom games on dedicated servers. This means that your games will have more stability and a bigger chance of fair play (like ensuring that the host doesn't have an unfair disadvantage over others in the game). It is also possible for an 11th player to spectate an ongoing game, if you don't mind being a peeping Tom! Once you set up a game on a dedicated server you will have 10 minutes to fill up the lobby before having to try again. Note that while the game will be hosted on a dedicated server, the lobby will still disband if the creator of the game quits. If you, as the host, shut down your previous game manually you will have to wait an additional 10 minutes before being able to start up a new session.
With the nature of code being what it is, a patch can (and almost always will) introduce some new bugs to the game. There's an ongoing thread on the Rainbow Six Siege subreddit that is actively reporting on all the new exploits and bugs that players are finding in the game. I suggest you keep an eye on that thread if you want to be kept in the know.
What do you think of Patch 2.1? Do you play Rainbow Six Siege? Share your thoughts below!