quad damage

Quad Damage Bundle Revealed; Features Four Highly Reviewed Indie FPS

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Published: June 1, 2020 4:23 PM

From time to time, you get bored from the triple-A titles developed and published by major corporations. In the first-person shooter genre, Call of Duty and Battlefield already established themselves as household names. However, every once in awhile, we get indie gems with unique twists, with Superhot as a prime example. The developers of all four respective titles decided to bundle their creations together and offer it to the community. It features four highly indie first-person shooter games, labeled Quad Damage

The Quad Damage bundle features Project Warlock, Hedon, Nightmare Reaper, and Elderborn with the biggest discounts they've received yet. The bundle cuts off 35% off the combined price of all four titles. Each one of them delivers a unique experience, set in different worlds, and offers you tons of content to go through. All of them combined offer you over 120 enemies and bosses to prove your ability and conquer the world.

  • Pry the secret of eternal youth from a cursed city as a powerful barbarian in Elderborn.
  • Take control of a pissed off Half-Orc in her quest to repel a cultist invasion in Hedon.
  • Solve the mystery of the nameless heroine in a mental asylum in Nightmare Reaper.
  • Face the minions of hell as a magic-wielding, gun-toting loner in Project Warlock.

Those interested in picking up the Quad Damage and own one of the titles will only pay for the price of the remaining games they don't own. The developers and publishers of the featured titles recommend purchasing the bundle between the 1st and 8th of June, as after this the promotional pricing will end. 

Which one of the titles featured in the Quad Damage bundle are you excited to try out the most? Do you have other favorite indie first-person shooters you think deserve more recognition? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section down below.

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