PUBG's Miramar Map Is Now Available For Testing On Xbox

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Published: April 26, 2018 11:01 PM

PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds on the Xbox One has had a tumultuous history so far, despite being picked up by millions of players. However, the title slowly seems to be turning itself around, as PUBG Corp has announced that Miramar, the second map for the worldwide phenomenon, is now available for testing on the Xbox One.

This early release is ahead of its full release in late May, a long period which the developer will be "actively listening and responding to player feedback." If you would like to try out the map before its release, players will need to download a standalone PUBG Test Server client from the Microsoft Store.

Via the official forums, the patch will not only include the Miramar map but a whole host of welcome improvements. These include optimizations for the 'art asset streaming process', which will help mitigate interior prop pop-in issues as well as the infamous 'play-doh' effect on textures. The developer notes that players will notice a "big difference" in the early stages of each game.

Another improvement focuses on the character movement system, has also now been optimized. Performance and stability, a long-standing concern for PUBG players on PC and Xbox One, will now be better when many players gather in one location. PUBG Corp expects that this improvement will help out PUBG's performance after the mid-phase of each game.

Players can also expect 'new and improved' designs for out-of-game menus and screens, a 'necessary' update that will prepare the title's servers for when event matches and custom matches are eventually introduced.

Xbox One players should be happy to hear that crashes and overall stability is PUBG Corp's 'highest priority.' Changes to help alleviate this problem will be released on the test server before it is fully released, so if you wish to see how the title performs on your console, be sure to give it a download.

What do you think of this update? Are you still playing PUBG on Xbox One? Let us know in the comments!

A very unflattering picture of my tired face.
| Staff Writer

Patrick is a former Staff Writer for TechRaptor and has been gaming on every console he could get since he could hold a controller. He’s been writing for… More about Patrick