The player running away from two very angry-looking bears in PUBG Update 22.1

PUBG Update 22.1 Patch Notes Scope Out Bears And More

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Published: February 8, 2023 9:05 AM

It's almost time for PUBG Update 22.1, and ahead of the patch's release next week (on PC, at least), Krafton has revealed the full patch notes. You can look forward to the addition of some vicious new creatures to Vikendi, as well as the return of an old favorite ambience and a new option for trigger-happy snipers.

First up, bears are on their way to the not-so-peaceful plains of Vikendi. These creatures are fiercely territorial, so they'll attack you if you come within a certain range of them, but don't worry; you'll see warning signs for bears dotted throughout the map. Bears can be killed, but bear kills won't count towards your overall stats.

As well as bears, you can also look forward to the return of Moonlight mode, which will cast an eerie lunar glow over Vikendi at random. Just like bears, this weather mode is only available on Vikendi, but it should give your nighttime shootouts a more ethereal quality.

If you like to snipe your foes from a distance, you'll appreciate the Thermal 4X Scope, which has been added after the LABS: Thermal Scope Mode proved to be popular. This is a world spawn item, and it'll detect enemies through obstacles like smoke, bushes, and darkness, which should make it easier to take them down.

There are other changes to Vikendi, too. Supply drops have been added to caves, and smoke and fire from grenades or other throwables won't work within Vikendi's Blizzard Zone, a change intended to make natural disasters a "bit more realistic". Of course, plenty of gameplay changes and other tweaks have also been implemented. Make sure to have a look at the PUBG patch notes for this update so you can get the full picture.

PUBG Update 22.1 arrives next week, unless you're playing on console. PC maintenance takes place on February 14th at 4:30PM Pacific and runs until 12:30AM the next day. If you're on console, you'll get the patch on February 22nd at 8PM Pacific, with maintenance concluding at 4AM on February 23rd. Alternatively, you can check the patch out right now if you're playing on the PUBG test server.

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Joe has been writing for TechRaptor for several years, and in those years has learned a lot about the gaming industry and its foibles. He’s originally an… More about Joseph

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