psychonauts rhombus of ruin

Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin Launching in February for PSVR

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Published: January 30, 2017 2:53 PM

Fans of Psychonauts have been hoping for a sequel for a long time. Psychonauts 2 was announced during The Game Awards 2015 and, while it's not expected to come out until sometime next year, fans of the series will soon have a new experience to hold them over. Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin is a PlayStation VR exclusive that will tie the two games together.

Those who have played the original game may remember that it ended with Raz, Lili, and the Psychonauts flying off to go save Lili's father Truman after he is abducted. Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin will pick up right from there, with the team en-route to the Rhombus of Ruin to rescue him. Naturally, things don't go quite as planned, and instead of being a rescue party you need to save yourself. The game is meant to tie the first game to the second and will serve as an explanation to the events that happen between the games.

While Psychonauts was a 3D platformer, Rhombus of Ruin is instead a puzzle game. You'll see things from Raz's perspective and can use his psychic powers to manipulate the environment to make objects act the way you want them to. While you can't move around, you can use your clairvoyance abilities to jump into the mind of other characters and see things from their perspective while listening to their thoughts. Using these powers you'll solve puzzles to continue advancing the game. You can also light things on fire with your mind, an important skill.

Along with the announcement of the release date a new 360-degree trailer was made available for the game as well.

Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin will launch as a PlayStation VR exclusive on February 21st for a currently unknown price. If you're looking to play the original Psychonauts then it's available on both Steam and PlayStation 4 as a PlayStation 2 classic for $9.99.

Samuel Guglielmo TechRaptor
| Reviews Editor

I'm Sam. I have been playing video games since my parents brought home a PlayStation whenever that came out. Started writing for TechRaptor for 2016 and,… More about Samuel

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin
PlayStation 4
Release Date
February 21, 2017 (Calendar)
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