Sequel to cult classic psychological platformer Psychonauts, Psychonauts 2 features the voice talents of Jack Black as the Mote of Light. Raz returns in a psychedelic trailer with pools of starlight and eyeballs everywhere. Fifteen years after the original game's release, players can finally find out what happens to the young psychic and his friends.
In the first game, Raz fled the circus and joins Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp. He enters the minds of the various campers and tutors, collecting all sorts of items along the way to help him in his journey. Psychonauts originally ended on a cliffhanger and now, over a decade later, it seeks to advance the story and perhaps tie up some loose ends. Raz's dream, to visit Psychonauts Headquarters, is within his grasp. But the pedestal is broken when he realizes that the Psychonauts are less than perfect.
Psychonauts HQ will serve as the game's new hub, a stark contrast to the camp in the first game. Raz will need to enter new mindscapes created by new characters. He'll hone his PSI skills and uncover some new techniques as well. He'll need them to solve the intrigues surrounding Psychonauts HQ.
Tim Schafer, mastermind behind the first game, will be leading development for Psychonauts 2 as well. Many artists and the composer Peter McConnell will be returning, along with a return of Raz and Lili's voice actors. Many other team members are also making a return.
The Psychonauts 2 team has yet to announce a release date for their latest title, but keep checking out the headlines at TechRaptor for the latest news. As soon as we catch wind of new information coming out of Double Fine and the rest of your favorite studios, you'll be the first to know. Unless you were using that precognition again, in which case we urge you to use your powers strictly for good and give us the winning lottery numbers. You can check out the trailer below, but you already saw that coming, didn't you?