
PSN Down, Hacker Group Lizard Squad Takes Credit

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Published: December 7, 2014 9:54 PM

For those of you coming here because you can no longer sign into your PSN Account, I am here with answers. During the Playstation Experience today, the notorious hacker group Lizard Squad gloated on Twitter about their role in the PSN outage, even linking to the PSN twitter search, where a lot of people are asking why the network is down.

This attack has affected both PS3 and PS4 users, causing them to be unable to log into the PSN, get into the PlayStation Store, and be unable to play online games during the outage. The reason for this attack is thus far unknown, as there does not seem to be a huge motivation for the attacks except for the ongoing PlayStation Experience. The PlayStation experience is described as "a massive two-day community event dedicated to the people who bring PlayStation to life," and would be a good way for the malicious individuals to get notoriety for staging an attack during such a huge event.

The Playstation support has said that they are indeed looking into the issue. But they have declined to say anything more on the issue. All they have decided to say on the issue is "We are currently investigating the issue. Please try again later." with no mention of the issues on the main PlayStation Twitter account. Hopefully they will have an official statement about it in the coming hours.

This is apparently not the first time this has happened either. Just a couple days ago it seems, LizardSquad knocked Xbox Live offline in a similar attack. The reason behind that attack is even less clear, however. But the method in question is probably a DDoS attack, also known as a Distributed Denial of Service attack. Lizard Squad does seem to be notorious for such attacks.

Hopefully this attack does not last long, and we all get back to playing Destiny and buying Suikoden in the coming hours. What do you think about this attack? Is it something to be expected by now, giving Sony's past experiences with being attacked?

| Former Staff Writer

Lucy Walcott is a former TechRaptor writer who loves to talk about gaming. She has been an avid gamer since she was little, focusing almost exclusively on… More about Lucy