No Man's Sky

PS Experience: No Man's Sky Videos

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Published: December 6, 2014 11:32 PM

The Playstation Experience has been full of trailers, sneak peeks and ideas of the year ahead, and No Man's Sky got a time to get up on the stage as well and speak for itself.

Sean, from Hello Games, was the presenter about it and talked about how a year ago today No Man's Sky was originally announced. Hello Games is a smaller independent studio with a pretty ambitious project on their goal with No Man's Sky. It is aimed to be a science fiction set in a procedurally generated universe, and thus has effectively limitless size.

Today marked the 4th time that No Man's Sky has shared video footage - twice in the last year at VGX and E3 and last night also at the video game awards. That video, shorter is right here for you to see:

They also announced today that 65daysofstatic is going to be doing an album inspired by No Man's Sky, and some of it appears according to the gameplay video shown at Playstation Experience to be making it into the game proper.

No Man's Sky is all about exploration in the infinitely generated universe that it has. You can see through it all sorts of new worlds, environments no one has ever experienced and all new types of species. Artifacts are hidden throughout the universe and help explain what has come before as nothing else can. Every encounter in No Man's Sky is supposed to be a challenge, as you, your suit, and your space ship are all vulnerable. One mistake and whether its dogfighting in space, or a heated gun fight on the surface of a desert world and it could be all over for you out of nowhere. Every victory and defeat matters.

Here is the video taken from a gameplay session at Playstation Experience that was shown - it is actual gameplay footage though only several minutes:


What do you think of No Man's Sky? Are you looking forward to it when it gets released - whenever that is? What do you think about procedurally generated worlds and games that rely heavily on them for various purposes? 

Don Parsons
| Senior Writer

A longtime lover of speculative fiction, in almost all its forms, Don joined TechRaptor in 2014 on a whim sending in an application as he was looking for… More about Don

More Info About This Game
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Game Page No Man's Sky
Hello Games
PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One
Release Date
August 9, 2016 (Calendar)
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