
PS Experience: Enter the Gungeon

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Published: December 7, 2014 9:05 AM

Have you ever had a mistake that you would do anything to undo? An error that you want nothing more to erase from history whatever the cost, no matter the risk? At least some people in some universe have. And in that universe there is only one answer for them - an ancient powerful gun that can KILL THE PAST! Locked beneath an ancient temple, those who wish to seek it must ENTER THE GUNGEON to survive the challenges and find the all powerful weapon!

Announced at Playstation Experience today, Enter The Gungeon is a PS4 Exclusive that mixes a radial shooter with a dungeon crawling lootfest. Each level in it gets more difficult and is procedurally generated by combining sets of handmade rooms making each trip through the Gungeon a unique and challenging experience. You play as one of several misfits, who want to change the past for one reason or another and are willing to brave the Gungeon.

In the Gungeon you will find all sorts of weird guns by gunsmiths who inhabit the area selling them. Most every trope that you can see in a dungeon crawler is interpreted through a gun - like bats are bullets with wings and the odd assortment of weapons is both a homage to classic weird guns and classic weird weaponry in general. Rainbow guns, foam guns, mail guns, bee guns and more are all among the weird sorts of guns one can find in Enter the Gungeon.


Can you handle the insanity of the Gungeon weaponry?


Enter the Gungeon is also a highly environmentally interactive game with the ability to do things like knock over tables for cover, tossing about explosive barrels or dropping chandeliers on your enemy's head. It isn't enough to know weapons to survive the Gungeon - one must use their brain and speed - in particular the dodge roll that the game has. With a brief invulnerability frame, the dodge roll allows you to position yourself and survive an onslaught of bullets making its use key to a fast paced radial shooter like Enter the Gungeon.

Enter the Gungeon is being developed by indie developer Dodge Roll (I wonder why the dodge roll is used....), in conjunction with Devolver Digital who has been helping them out. It will be coming out sometime in 2015 for the Playstation 4 the announcement has said and here's a trailer to wet your appetite and feed any hammy needs you might have.

Don Parsons
| Senior Writer

A longtime lover of speculative fiction, in almost all its forms, Don joined TechRaptor in 2014 on a whim sending in an application as he was looking for… More about Don

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Enter the Gungeon
Game Page Enter the Gungeon
Dodge Roll
Devolver Digital
Release Date
April 5, 2016 (Calendar)
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