Prominence Poker RPG

Prominence Poker, A Poker RPG, Now in Steam Early Access

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Published: May 19, 2016 1:57 PM

One of the more unique combinations to come along in a while, is a poker role-playing game. Seems like strange bedfellows in that regard, but Prominence Poker, which was developed by 505 Games and indie developer Pipeworks, is trying to make the concept work.

Poker games are already a tough sell, but Prominence Poker has been in closed beta for some time now and is being released to Steam's early access today. 

"With insightful feedback gained during [the] earlier closed beta, we want to grow the community by releasing Prominence Poker into Steam's early access program, allowing players to grind for Prominence and provide further feedback during the game development process," stated Lindsay Gupton, the President of Pipeworks. 

The developers are hoping to combine Texas Hold'em with RPG elements, offering a unique experience for their players. Some of the features for Prominence Poker include a revamped gesture/bluff mechanic, which will allow players to create or pick up on tells. This could either fool their opponents into making mistakes or simply catching a bluff in the act, making a big play like in real poker. 

The conflict in Prominence Poker has your customized avatar leveling up through playing the game to unlock different types of poker matches; from seedy backroom games to one-on-one confrontations that act as "boss battles" against the four factions the player will be taking on. All of this takes place in the gambling paradise of Prominence, which is manned by four crooked gangs who answer only to "The Mayor." The player's goal in this RPG is to play to the top, beating the gangs at their own game so you can face down the Mayor of Prominence in a high-stakes game of Hold'em.

Prominence Poker features a robust customization system and online play as well with ring games and tournaments for players to dish out their skills at the virtual felt. Regularly scheduled tournaments and events are planned when the game is fully released, which 505 Games and Pipeworks states will be sometime later in 2016, for both consoles and the PC.

So what do you think about this? Would you try out a Poker game that is also part RPG? Leave your comments below

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A longtime player of games, creator of worlds, and teacher of minds. Robert has worked many positions over the years, from college professor to education… More about Robert