If you've been waiting for more info about the upcoming Professor Layton and the New World of Steam, you're in luck. Today's Level-5 showcase gave us a new trailer showing off the puzzle adventure's setting and characters, as well as setting up its story, which will take place after Unwound Future.
In the new game's story, Layton and Luke have been apart for a year when a new mystery unites them once again. New World of Steam takes place in the city of Steam Bison in the USA, which is a very technologically advanced place. There, Layton is an "anonymous gentleman", as Level-5 puts it, while Luke is a well-known detective with a reputation for solving mysteries.
You can check out a new trailer for Professor Layton and the New World of Steam right here. It's entirely in Japanese, but it should give you an idea of what the game will offer.
Naturally, Professor Layton and the New World of Steam will once again revolve around solving lots of puzzles; it wouldn't be much of a Layton game without them, after all. This time around, the puzzles are being designed by Japanese quiz and riddle studio QuizKnock, which is well-known for creating brain-teasers in Japan.
Right now, we're not sure whether Luke and Layton's English voice actors will return to voice the characters. However, we do know that Layton's Japanese voice will once again be provided by Yo Oizumi, who has voiced the character since the series' inception with Professor Layton and the Curious Village. Luke's voice will be provided by Mio Imada.
Professor Layton and the New World of Steam was originally announced last month as part of a Nintendo Direct presentation. The game will mark Professor Layton's Nintendo Switch debut, and although we don't have a concrete release date, Level-5 says that all of the games in today's showcase (including this one) are getting either a 2023 or 2024 global release. Stay tuned to TechRaptor for more info about this upcoming puzzler.