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Pre-E3 2016 roundup 6/6 - Zombies, Hackers and HD releases

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Published: June 6, 2016 3:15 PM

Today, a little shy of a week until the first of the E3 2016 conferences plenty of companies have decided to tease what they have in store for next week. While some of this news is official information about Dead Rising 4 was leaked and should still be treated as a rumor.


The first trailer that was released this morning was for the HD remake of Final Fantasy XII called Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age. This remake of the 2006 PlayStation 2 game will bring with it updated graphics and a completely re-recorded soundtrack in true 7.1 Surround Sound. For fans who would rather listen to the original audio though there is the option to change between the two at will. The Zodiac Age will also bring with it all of the improvements that were available in the International Version of FF XII including the Zodiac job system, new game modes including trial mode and two New Game+, and other changes to characters and the battle system.


The next game that was teased this morning was Watch Dogs 2. We have known about this game for a while but this is the first time that Ubisoft has released anything publicly on the sequel to their 2014 open world game. Accompanying this trailer we also know that the full reveal of this game will take place on the 8th of June at 6pm CET via watchdogs.com. In an attempt for more information people have tried checking the source code of watchdogs.com and have found no extra information but a large ASCII troll face meme.

Dead Rising 4 - thisgengaming
One of the images that thisgengaming posted about the leak of Dead Rising 4

The final piece of revealed news this morning was the  leak of Dead Rising 4. No official information has yet come out about Dead Rising 4 but it is currently being said that it will be a remake of the first game but with added co-op and other online functionalities, on top of that images also seem to include Frank West, the protagonist of the first Dead Rising game. This game is expected to have a full reveal at E3 next week assuming the leak is accurate.

Other announcements made today with more substantial information include the new trailer and release windows for Yooka-Laylee, a release date for Horizon Zero Dawn, and the announcement of Volition's new game called Agents of Mayhem.

Are you excited to be hearing about all these games? Which games were you expecting? What are you most looking forward to next week?

Andrew Stretch Headshot
| Senior Content Manager

Andrew has written Video Game and Entertainment news, reviews, and guides for 10+ years. As Senior Content Manager, he assists in creating and editing… More about Andrew