Power Rangers: Battle For The Grid has received a sizable update today. This free Power Rangers: Battle For The Grid update includes a story mode, new stages, and voiceovers from many of the original actors.
The story mode is written by Kyle Higgins, who wrote the Shattered Grid comic. In that comic, the originally evil Green Ranger Tony Oliver stays evil and takes the name Lord Drakkon. He eventually overthrows and kills main villain Rita Repulsa, as well as Zordon, Red Ranger Jason Scott, and Blue Ranger Billy Cranston. He eventually attains power that is a combination of his original counterpart’s Green Dragon and White Tiger powers. The story mode part of the Power Rangers: Battle For The Grid update is an adaption of this storyline. In addition, this story will feature voiceovers from many original cast members. It will include Jason David Frank (Tony Oliver/Lord Drakkon), Austin St. John (Jason Lee Scott), David Fielding (Zordon), and Kerrigan Mahan (Goldar). Meghan Camarena will be playing Pink Ranger Kimberly Hart.
The following three new characters and two stages were announced:
Dragon Armor Trini: When the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers were viciously attacked by the Black Dragon, a powerful Zord from another dimension with the capability to warp Ranger powers, they were in for the fight of their lives. After he was defeated, Trini was able to refashion the Zord into a powerful suit of enhanced armor.The Power Rangers: Battle For The Grid DLC update is available free now for all Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch owners. A PC release is expected sometime later this year.Udonna: Udonna is a powerful sorceress who trains the Mystic Force Power Rangers in the art of magic. As the Mystic Force White Ranger, this accomplished sorceress uses the power of snow to freeze evil.
Cenozoic Blue Ranger: The Cenozoic Blue Ranger was a loyal and powerful soldier who served with Zordon, the original Red Ranger. Eons after his tragic demise at the hands of the traitorous Green Ranger Rita Repulsa, his Power Coin was found by a teenager named Billy Cranston, who then took on the Blue Ranger mantle.
Selectable Arenas: Corinth and Planet Earth: Cenozoic Era
Non-Selectable Arenas (Story Mode only): Command Center (Malfunctioning) and Lord Drakkon’s Throne Room (Flashback)
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