A year ago, after the 2013 E3 round of press conferences Microsoft were on the back foot. After controversial decisions about their new console and a press conference mired with technical difficulty's. Sony came out and championed the complete opposite of what Xbox was trying to achieve. By the end, Sony were seen as the ones looking out for its players and Microsoft's public image among gamers was tarnished.
The way it stood seemed similar to a few years ago. However now the roles were reversed. When Sony first came out with the PS3, they presented a "we know what is best for you attitude". Things like the Cell processor made developing for the platform time consuming and expensive. Microsoft's 360 was the dominant console of the generation with its architecture being easier to develop for over the PS3's.
It seems though where it took Sony a few years to get back on track, Microsoft had themselves organized within a year.
For Microsoft, their 2014 Press Conference was not only entirely games, it was a mix of new games and games forgotten to a lot of gamers nowadays. Games like Phantom Dust, that on paper might not be a safe choice but a game that is close to a small amount of gamers hearts. They have shown a commitment to their audience that didn't seem to be there a year ago. Part of this could be down to Xbox having someone new at its head. Even though Phil Spencer hasn't been the head of Xbox for that long, he has been open about the wrong decisions made in regards to the Xbox-One and vowed they would be more focused on games.
After 2014's E3 both Sony and Microsoft seem to be in good positions to deliver with these new consoles. Both companies are taking a humble approach, taking their audiences grievances seriously. Microsoft have clearly put in a lot of effort to tell its audience that they are important and will be listened to. It seems a far cry from the almost reality of DRM heavy consoles. All things considered the next few years have the potential to be great years for gamers.